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The Twitch streamer beats Elden Ring Without Damage Of Any Kind
On April 1, Twitch streamer Seki made an impressive performance from FromSoftware's Elden Ring. After many attempts and hours of practice Seki became an expert and completed what appeared to be world's first recorded no-hit/no-damage run on Elden Ring Runes.
Seki's no-hit/no damage run took just under 3 hours to complete and was done live on stream and he posted an image of his victory shortly afterwards on Twitter with a giddy announcement of the victory. On Twitter, Seki said that his incredible run was "world's first." Some have questioned the validity of this claim and pointed to a previous run of streamer GinoMachino from the 13th of March. While GinoMachino was able to complete Elden Ring without taking any hits, that run is far from what Seki achieved.
"No-Hit/No Damage" is more difficult than a regular no-hit runner since the player cannot suffer any kind of environmental damage like poison, fall damage etc," Seki explained to MMOexp. "This creates a challenge for the run since I don't have access to buffs like Red-Feathered Bladesword that can boost my damage output if I had low health."
This means Seki is required to stay clear of any type of injury, whether big or small, during the entire run. Consider how many times you've played Elden Ring and accidentally fell and sustained some fall injuries or gotten poisoned in a swamp. If something similar happens for Seki during his run, he'll need to start from scratch. This can turn a difficult and challenging sport into an even more difficult challenge to take on.
The excitement of watching the run go off is wild. Being able to watch someone complete Elden Ring in under 3 hours without their health bar ever going down is very interesting even if you (like me) don't have any interest in FromSoftware games as well as Elden Ring. (There is one point during the course when Seki wears a unique talisman that boosts his damage and health. The moment he puts it on the health bar of his character expands and it appears as if Seki has been hit however, this is simply the way it works.)
Based on the streamster who has done similar no-hit runs in different FromSoftware games, including Sekiro the game, he logged more than 130 hours just trying to achieve this no-hit, no-damage run. This involved planning, practicing as well as countless attempts. In terms of the gear Seki is using to beat Elden Ring without taking any harm, it's a standard kit with a fan favorite moonveil katana.
"I use a dexterity/intelligence build. My primary weapon is the Moonveil Katana," explained Seki. He also employs the spell known as Rock Sling to help to eliminate mobs within certain areas within the game. Sometimes, with a run like this, you discover that a particular and unusual aspect of the game is the most difficult thing to tackle, such as a random section filled with toxic enemies or something similar to that. But Seki explained to me that poetically, the hardest part of the entire race was towards the end.
"The most difficult part of the entire run for me is the last boss, Elden Beast," Seki said. Seki."It comes with a particular move that is infamously inexcusable: Elden Stars. One of the only ways to possibly avoid it is to slam him with a hammer as he casts the spell. It took many hours of precise practice and training in order to perform the spell correctly."So Seki sometimes wouldn't fail at a race until the very end of the game, even though he'd been basically playing an excellent game up to that point. And if the boss hit him or did any damage to him at all, he'd have to restart the whole thing.
After pulling off an amazing feat, many might want to rest and take a break. Maybe play the game normally and unwind a bit. However, that's not what Seki has in mind. Seki told me it's his plan to start working on pulling off an "All Remembrances No-Hit" run which he says is a "true challenge of the mind." Seki is also excited about the ever-growing speedrunning and hitless running community that is Elden Ring."I would love to see the hitless community unite to invent new strategies to elden ring items buy online and beat the game."Meanwhile many other folks are still trying to just beat the first boss in Elden Ring.